Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Elleanor Had a Birthday

Here's a few snippets from Elle's birthday party last weekend. It was a little overwhelming for her, which in turn became overwhelming for me as I felt disappointed that she wasn't laughing, having fun, and being her goofy happy self. Buut, as soon as the house cleared out she was back to being the Elleanor we all know and love. So, you missed it, sorry, too bad.

She's such a high maintenance little girl and she's only one. I wish I knew where she got it from...
Also, party planning is hard work and I didn't even handle the food. Next year: sheet cake from the bakery, store bought hats, streamers, etc and a frozen pizza.
Ok, I'm kidding, I'll have the pizza delivered from Domino's.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall Fashion - Day Two!!!

Here's todays outfit:

Sweater: Marshalls
Tanks: The floral tank is from GAP and the purple tank is from The Limited
Jeans: Express
Shoes: Nine West
Belt: vintage
Long Necklace: GAP
Short Necklace: I received this as a gift when Elleanor was born from my husband. It has her name on it and I wear it everyday. I love it.
Bracelet: No clue.
I'm really enjoying looking at all of your pictures and lovely comments. This is so much fun!

Monday, October 25, 2010


Guys, can I just brag a little bit and tell you that I have lost 17 lbs! I still have roughly 20 more to go before I reach my pre-baby weight, but I am beginning to fit into some of my old clothes which is such a great feeling! Although, when your old clothes are from almost 2 years ago they aren't quite as fashionable as I remember.... oh well, I won't focus on that!

Fashion: A Case of the Mondays

Elleanor had her first birthday party this weekend!

I'm not a fan of my outfit today, so I thought I'd start this post on a high note with the cutest baby ever.

Here's what she wore:

Top: Made by mama (ok, I bought the t shirt from Hobby Lobby, but I sewed? sewn? on the number) Woah, definitely was not an English major in college.

Skirt: Made by mama

Leggings: Baby Legs

Sigh... now to me.

Since it's Monday, and I'm working from home, I really didn't put the effort into this outfit that I should have. I know a lot of you "bank" outfits and use those on the days when your style isn't up to par, I should have done that today!
I was going to point out everything I hate about this outfit, but who wants to hear me whine anymore than I already have?
So I'm done.
Jeans: Seven for All Mankind
Tank - Express
Sweater - Thrifted
Shoes: Rampage (They are the clogs that are totally in right now and I'm not sure I am on the bandwagon with them or not)
Better outfit tomorrow, I promise!

Friday, October 15, 2010


See this little icon right there ---------> ?

It's a little fashion week that a few blogs that I read have done for a while. I've always looked at everyone's posts longingly wishing I could/would have participated. And now, I'm gonna do it, baby!
Hopefully I drop a few more LBs before then so I can hopefully, cross your fingers/toes/eyes, whatever you can cross and wish me luck so that I can pull off some cute outfits that don't involve leggings!!!!

Fun stuff!

I may feature some cute Elleanor outfits too!!!!!

A Nice Fall Evening

So, since the sun wasn't shining, my husband decided to join Elle and I on our walk to the park. I thought that daylight harmed vampires, but it must only be direct sunlight?
Kidding. Bryan's not a vampire.
We took a family walk to the park tonight. It was lots of fun! But a tad chilly.

Elleanor turns one on Sunday!
I may cry! What happened to my BABY?!?!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Here's a few random thoughts that are going through my head right now:

1. I should NEVER be allowed to "work from home" because, as you can see, I'm updating my blog while "working".
2. This whole diet thing really sucks. Like major. But, this is the price I pay for eating the last two years like it was my job. And I was damn good at it. I got several promotions while eating for my job, I made my way all the way up to CEO of the eat like it's your job company. My area of speciality: shit food (read: chocolate, chocolate, sweets, chocolate, chips, cookies, fast food, pizza, etc)
My motivation to get back to my pre-baby weight: wearing my True Religion's. Shallow? Perhaps.
3. Elleanor's cute. The end.

I love this picture!!!!